Sanskrit is a lovely language in which we can learn to achieve our inner calm and be with the all-powerful God unconsciously. Have you ever wondered what the word Sanskrit means? If you’re unaware of what this entails, let me explain. To sum up, the word “Sanskrit” means “Entire.”. It’s a beautiful, captivating, yet powerful echoing language with a distinct structured structure and a rich texture that few modern languages have.
The Hindu Heavenly Gods and the Indo-Aryans both spoke Sanskrit as a form of communication and debate. In Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, it’s also common. This is the original language, and it is the one from which all other languages descended. It provides a broad perspective on human nature and the function it plays in the creation process.
Let’s see some basic tips that you can in your everyday life to improve the Sanskrit language:
Keep chatting in Sanskrit
Making sure you’re still having enough Sanskrit discussions is one of the best strategies to improve your Sanskrit every day.
Keep in touch with Sanskrit-speaking friends and have regular chats with them. While reciting mantras is good, you can also improve your writing and reading skills by conversing with Gurus.
Develop your Writing format
Sanskrit is written in the same way as English, from left to right and up to down. More lines are written on top of the horizontal pattern; in this case, the horizontal stroke is created at the ending. For example, write the letter “ta” with the hook first, then the vertical line, and finally the horizontal stroke’s end.
This is a relatively straightforward procedure. Sanskrit is a syllabic alphabet. Each consonant is followed by a vowel. You can’t pronounce the consonants if you don’t have any vowels.
Read sacred texts written in Sanskrit.
We can’t think of Hinduism as a dominant religion with a slew of neat offshoots, therefore it’s difficult to define. Rather, it is a religion that encompasses a vast array of beliefs and practices that have evolved through millennia. By conjuring up the image of an ancient banyan tree, it may be possible to get a sense of Hinduism’s peculiar nature. Though Reading old Sanskrit manuscripts and publications will provide you with a wealth of information about the ancient Sanskrit civilization of Gods.
To be accurate, listen to Sanskrit films and songs together with various mantras and pay attention to word pronunciation. This is also a good approach to pick up new words and phrases. You will learn more if you pay attention! To improve your pronunciation and understand which words in a sentence are emphasized, try mimicking what you hear.
Learn a new word every day
Choose a word you’d like to improve and practise it in various sentences. Use the word until you’ve mastered it and then use it frequently.
Study grammar
Many people believe that learning grammar is extremely tedious. When I was younger, I was the first one to express it in school, but now I see how important it is. A thorough understanding of the Sanskrit language is required to successfully communicate and comprehend information. Furthermore, hardly everything we hear in our daily lives is perfectly grammatically correct. As a result, several grammatical rules will assist us in comprehending why we should state this rather than that.
Some more tips for learning the Sanskrit language:
- Make errors and learn from them. Don’t be scared. When people hear you make a mistake, they can only rectify it.
- Sanskrit should be everywhere around you. Put yourself in a situation where only Sanskrit is spoken and you can learn passively. Speaking is the most effective method to learn.
- Every day, practise. Make a study schedule for yourself. Determine how much time you will devote to learning each week and stick to it. Make a schedule for yourself.
- Keep track of new terms you learn in a notepad. Use them in sentences and repeat them three times when speaking.
- Please seek assistance! If you don’t comprehend something, you must seek assistance. Seek assistance from your teacher, classmates, or friends.
- Don’t allow yourself to be side-tracked in class. Don’t look out the window; concentrate on the lesson. Arrive a few mins before the lesson begins to avoid being late. Avoid sitting next to somebody who will not converse with you in English. Turn your phone off. Keep track of your belongings and remember to bring your textbook, notebook, and pen.
- Find a pleasant study spot that is both comfortable and calm. You need a place where you can concentrate completely.
Learning something that is brand new to them takes time. Yes, if you want to learn Sanskrit, you need to be interested in the language. The only way to become fluent in a foreign language is to practise it constantly. Some people believe that learning should be effortless, enjoyable, and interesting. While learning a language, make sure to have fun with it.
Enrol on Multibhashi language classes for better understanding. Good luck!!