Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world (after English and Chinese), with over 615 million speakers. To put it in context, that’s close to 10% of the global population, and around 44% of the Indian population, making it India’s most popular language.
Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in India. Hindi has been described as a standardised and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language, which itself is based primarily on the Khariboli dialect of Delhi and neighbouring areas of Northern India. Hindi, written in the Devanagari script, is one of the two official languages of the Government of India, along with the English language. It is an official language in 9 States and 3 Union Territories and an additional official language in 3 other States. Hindi is also one of the 22 scheduled languages of the Republic of India.
Easiest way to learn Hindi
A dictionary of basic Hindi grammar
This is a giant reference book of all of the must-know beginner Grammar. Now, let me be honest and say that this isn’t a “fun” or “exciting” read. The value of this book is that it teaches you grammar rules and new ways of expressing yourself in Hindi.
Invest in Quality Learning Materials
As it’s important to invest time in your Hindi education, it’s also important to be willing to invest a little money. However, the best resources aren’t always the most expensive ones. The best resources for you are going to depend on your individual learning methods and what’s available to you
Use Full Sentence Flashcards
Everyone knows that flashcards are a great way to learn new vocabulary. But for Hindi beginners, flashcards will work best with full sentences as opposed to individual words or characters.
Do a little bit everyday
If you’re serious about learning Hindi, you have to practise every day. A one-hour class per week just isn’t going to cut it. By making Hindi study a daily habit you’ll likely add up more hours than if you went for one monster study session once a week.
Audiobooks in simple terms means that a set of recorded files is available in the form of a digital platform that you hear instead of being read aloud. There are audiobooks available in Hindi language which you can listen to improve your skills in this language.
Talking to a person who knows this language: You can always choose to talk to that person who knows this language. You can ask them to see how you are interacting with them in Hindi and give you feedback that will improve your skills in this language.
Listen to Hindi Radio
Listening is an integral part of oral communication skills. If you can’t understand spoken Hindi well, you won’t be able to hold a successful conversation, no matter how good you are at speaking. Listening to Hindi radio channels is a really good way to improve your Hindi listening as well as speaking skills. You can install Hindi radio apps on your smartphone or use websites to listen to your favourite Hindi radio channel. Listening to radio can be more effective than watching visual media like movies or drama because on radio you focus only on sounds.
Practice, practice, practice –
Take advantage of every single chance you have to listen to Hindi The old adage of “practice makes perfect” certainly rings true here. Rather than standing stunned like a deer in the headlights when someone throws rapid Hindi at you, constant listening practice will help you get the gist of what they’re saying. Soon, you’ll be able to distinguish critical keywords. This means you can understand the context of a conversation without worrying too much about understanding every single word.
Learn to use deadline
Ok, you’re busy. We’re all busy. I know that. I’m not asking you to sit down for five hours every day and study Hindi chained to your desk. Time management is one of the biggest difficulties for most language learners. Most likely, you have a job, or you’re attending school, or both Then you have to spend time with your family, walk the dog, do your chores… I get it.
One of the most effective ways to learn Hindi is to claw back dead time for language study. Look for little pockets of time where you’re not doing anything, or you’re doing something passive and could multitask.
Self-talk is a very good technique which you can utilize to improve your skills in this language. This technique involves you interacting with yourself in front of a mirror and whatever speech which you have prepared in this language, you can then see how you are speaking and can check your proficiency in Hindi language.
This way, you can learn and memorize more effectively and avoid stressing yourself. If you want to join a learning community for Hindi but you don’t know where to look,
We have one here at Multibhashi!!