When you are learning a new language there is a probability that many times you don’t know how to speak certain words or sometimes you do not know how to convey a particular message. You may be new to the German language and do not know how to have a conversation or ask for things that are really important to you. If you are out visiting Germany or are amongst a crowd of people who speak German then it is too difficult for you if you do not know the German language properly. In such cases, it is very important that you at least know some phrases that can save you from any situation that can be used in the case of emergencies.
If you are on your journey to learning German but have not yet achieved your goals you can at least know these six basic phrases that can be used in any situation and save you from embarrassment.
Things to know
The basics:
Yes: Ja.
No: Nein.
How are you?: Wie geht’s ?
I don’t speak German: Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
Do you speak English?: Sprechen Sie Englisch?
What time is it?: Wie spat ist es?
- Greeting people:
Hello: Guten Tag!
Good morning: Guten Morgen!
Good evening: Guten Abend!
Hi: Hallo!
Goodbye: Auf Wiedersehen!
See you in a bit: Bis gleich!
See you tomorrow: Bis Morgen.
- Introducing yourself: even if you do not know how to speak a lot of German at least you should know how to introduce yourself and how to know about the other person at least.
My name is… : Ich heißsen…
What’s your name?: Wie heißen Sie?
Where are you from?: Woher kommen Sie.
I am from: Ich komme aus…
Welcome: Willkommen.
- Having small conversations it is very much important that you at least know how to have short conversations in German so that you could at least react to certain situations and ask something that you really want to know.
What’s that:Was ist das?
That was really good: Das war sehr gut.
That suits me perfectly: Das past mir sehr gut!
I don’t agree: Das finde ich nicht.
Can I ask you a question?: Kann ich Sie etwas fragen?
- When in doubt say this:
What?/How?: Was?/Wie Bitte?
I don’t understand: Ich verstehe das nicht.
Could you repeat that please?: Konne Sie das wiederholen bitte?
Can you repeat that more slowly please?: Konnen Sie etwas langsamer wiederholen, bitte?
Could you speak more loudly please?: Konnen Sie bitte lauter sprechen?
Your statements should emphasize being polite.
Manners make a man.
Please: Bitte.
You are welcome: Bitteschon.
Thank you: Danke.
Thank you very much: Vielen Dank.
Excuse me: Entschuldigung.
Thank you for your help: Danke fur ihre Hilfe.
Good luck: Viel Gluck.
- Compliment: it is a great way to maintain a friendly relation with someone and to make the other person feel good.
Congratulations! Herzlichen Gluckwunsch!
Well done!: Gut Gemacht!
Very good!: Sehr gut!
That’s good!: Das ist gut!
It was delicious!: Es war lecker!
- Lost and found: if you are new to a place we have German-speaking native and you do not know where to go so you should know these phrases to at least you can ask for directions from them.
Can you show me on the map where we are?: Konnen Sie mir auf dem Stadtplanvzeigen, wo
wir sind?
How do I get to …?: Wie komme inch nach…. ?
Where is ….?: Wo ist…?
- Help others: what if there is another person asking you for directions? Then this is how you can help him or her.
Right: Rechts.
The First Street on the right: Erste Straße rechts.
Left: Links.
Straight on: Geradeaus.
These phrases can help you in some situations but not always. You need to master the language properly to have fluent conversations.
Multibhashi is the one-stop solution for such language problems. You can check the official page of Multibhashi and know the further details to master German.