Hindi Language
With around 615 million speakers, Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world. It is an Indo-Aryan language and is spoken in India and is derived from Sanskrit. In India, it is one of 23 official languages and enjoys the National language and English position.
It has many dialects that are spoken in various parts of India. As it is a direct descendant of Vedic Sanskrit, it is also a phonic language that is you write what you speak in Hindi. Learning Hindi is not as difficult as learning Sanskrit as there are many simplified words in Hindi. You can learn Hindi easily because it has easier pronunciations and many loanwords that may be familiar to you. Standard Hindi has many loanwords that are borrowed from many languages such as Urdu, English, and Parsi. From the above discussion, it is clear that Hindi is a vast language and if you want to master Hindi in a year, you should work hard. You can plan your learning with or without a guide.

If you are learning it on your own then, you can follow below guidelines:
Start from sounds:
Learning Hindi pronunciation helps you the most because, in Hindi, you speak what you write and vice versa. If you are familiar with pronunciation you can easily learn reading and writing.
Learn common terms first:
If you want to master conversational Hindi, you should start with common conversational terms like ‘namaste’(for greetings), ‘Kaise ho’ (for asking wellness), ‘aap’ (the term used for ‘you’ for elders and unknowns, ‘tum’ (a casual term used for ‘you’), etc. so that you can use them in conversation.
Learn some common sentences:
After learning some common turns you should start learning common sentences that may prove useful for starting the conversation.
Learn the sentence structure:
The biggest difference between Hindi and English is the sentence structure. English uses the sentence structure: subject+verb+object, while in Hindi, it is
subject+ object+ verb. This basic difference of placing verb and object many times initiates confusion. So, while speaking Hindi you should be very clear about the placing of words.
Learn tenses:
The most important thing while learning Hindi is to focus on the tenses. Almost all the sentences in Hindi are differentiated according to the tense and similar to English. It uses different verb forms to distinguish between tenses.
Learn terms used to show respect:
If you want to impress others, learn to put some respect total words after the names of people. The most used suffix is ‘ji’. This small world can change the level of respect you are showing. The other way to show respect is by putting the plural form of the word instead of the singular form. For example ‘Robert ji, Darwaza khol dijiye’. The sentence means Robert, open the door. But, the use of ‘ji’ and the plural verb form at the end has changed the level of respect you are giving to Robert.
Buy a good book for beginners:
You can also buy a book to begin your journey. Many books are available on the internet that can help you.
Search for a good app:
Apps like Duolingo are providing many useful exercises for Hindi learners.
If you want to learn Hindi with a guide, you have the following options: here.
Search for an offline institution:
If you live in India, you can find many e offline institutions that offer various courses to learn standard Hindi. If you live outside India, you have to search for an offline institution in your country that provides Hindi training.
Online training:
The other option for or people living outside India is to enroll in an online Hindi training institution. Check out some options here.

Whether offline or online, the institutions provide trainers who can guide you through your Hindi language journey and help you learn the language fast. As discussed earlier, Hindi is a vast language having a large vocabulary. So knowing it in a year requires the dedication of 8 hours a day. And if you want to learn Hindi faster than the language, immersion is the key. The best way to get emerged in the language is to live in Hindi speaking area. So get your bags packed and plan a trip to India. Enjoy your learning!