Chinese is one of the most widely spoken foreign languages in the world. The Standard Chinese language is referred to as Mandarin in English which is also a standard for language teaching in some other countries
Here are the ways to learn Chinese in a short time
Chinese alphabets
If you want to progress quickly in your learning, focus only first on alphabets, and with this, you can recognize the words without writing by hand at all, which does make sense up to a point.
If you recognize Characters then it is a great start which is a lot higher than spoken ability though, this was obviously not only a focus of studies. These simplified characters will obviously help you on the mainland.
Tips and tricks to know
If you immerse your learning fully in Chinese while studying it is overall very useful to you. Learn more grammar lessons and rules with a good teacher he might have made you are spoken to the next level. Focussing more on Chinese characters will improve your spoken level and you need to start this as early as possible.
Spent most of the time a lot listening to people talk in Chinese and beyond what you know in vocabulary that will improve your listening ability, in which you will be able to get the meaning of sentences in most cases even you do not know all the words/sentence structures used.
The listening method can be done by watching the news, movies, hearing to audios, songs with focussing on the Chinese lyrics, etc.
Speaking approach
Speak continuously for an hour about what all you know in Chinese and do not deviate your mind to English at least for a single time, especially when you are speaking to another person.
At first, you may feel uncomfortable communicating in the language and it will become easier as your learning progresses, able to do so. You can clearly see the results when you think about every situation in Chinese and if you force yourself not to use English, at any time.
LTL offers full immersion language programs and home-stays in the capital city of Beijing and the capital of Chengde. These centers will give you an idea to learn a language.
All the time you need to speak and use the language every day. But the Immersion opportunities between Beijing and Chengde differ. Beijing offers full, partial, or no immersion opportunities but Chengde programs are full immersion techniques, select your best option
This method will allow you to live with a Chinese-speaking home-stay family. This study plan allows you to be in contact with and around native Chinese speakers, which makes you use the language all the time.
Pursue your learning
Do not stop in the middle, but if you feel to be boring give a break and continue your learning to work on spoken language and try to bring it up to a top-level. Setting a goal is an effective method of learning. Try to attend many Chinese tests whichever is possible for you.
Enroll in your classes with Multibhashi to learn Chinese in no time by tapping this link and with the link, you will get an idea about the language. You will also receive a course completion certificate from Multibhashi.