The Korean language is an East Asian language spoken by about 77 million people. It is the official and national language of both Koreas: North Korea and South Korea, with different standardized official forms used in each country. It is a recognized minority language in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Changbai Korean Autonomous County of Jilin Province, China. It is also spoken in parts of Sakhalin, Russia, and Central Asia.
The Korean language is widely spreading all around the world. Learning Korean in today’s time is considered a great asset. If you are planning to learn the language soon then you should know that the Korean language is much more than some pronunciations and accents. But, don’t let this bother you, the alphabet system that they use in Korea is quite easy to get hold of. Now, coming to the topic, the importance of the Korean language. This solely depends on why you are learning the language. Beneficial or not, if you really are devoted to learning the language then this shouldn’t be bothering you at all.
What will help you learning Korean
Learning Basics:
When we were children, we first started in our preschool with alphabets; the same rule applies to learning Korean. Once you start picking up the words, it would be great to memorize the basic greeting techniques and numbers first. At the same time, you may also make a habit of carrying a pocket dictionary as it will be handy and help you catch words without putting in much effort. Before you start your journey, you may start with this word-
Hello annyeonghaseyo
Good morning Joh – eun achim
Good evening annyeonghaseyo
Thanks gamsa
Please budi
I m sorry joesong haeyo
Really jeongmal
Try describing things:
Even to start saying fundamental things, nouns and adjectives are the foremost to be learned. Learning nouns and adjectives will help you in describing and identifying items. When teaching nouns and adjectives, you will be able to practice the Cyrillic alphabet. When you finally know the letters, seeing them in some context will help cement them in your mind for long retentions. It will help you to build your vocabulary since you start using them when identifying objects. You need to pay attention to bare nouns and adjectives that describe things you see in day-to-day life, like “dog,” “cat,” “chair,” “table,” and so on. This will make you learn new vocabulary easier to remember and retain, as you will be seeing these things quite often in daily life and recalling the Korean words all the time.
Learn conjugations:
To our delight, it’s good to know that the Korean language has one present tense, so conjugating is often simpler as compared to other languages. Even though present tense is not the simplest type of conjugation that can be learned like that, it is the most widely used, so it is essential to understand this before trying other conjugations. Knowing the present tense will let you put together basic sentences. You will be able to describe everyday activities. Whenever you’re doing something simple as during your regular, daily work, you can start to describe that in Korean rean. You can practice it by looking up to a verb and enlist its present tense conjugations, then check if you are correct. Don’t be scared of mistakes. After all, we learn from our mistakes.
Try building up your vocabulary:
It is a critical factor that by building vocabulary, you are getting closer to language fluency. You will need accurate, specific verbs to convey your ideas/messages. The more verbs/action words you know, the more views you can communicate in a better way. So keep conjugating, which will help you learn more new verb vocabulary and thus give you more chances to use the Korean language while talking about anything.
Try online resources.
There are various online portals offering courses in the Korean language for any level, whether basic or intermediate or advanced. While the above options can get you started, It’s advisable to look into other options which can enhance your learning by giving you proper guidance.
Multibhashi – Personalised learning
Multibhashi: Multibhashi offers you the option of learning Korean in a one-to-one setup or a group. Multibhashi gives the learner the options that best fit their learning needs or requirements. It covers all aspects of language learning, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening, thus providing a holistic approach to learning.
There are also some free apps that may help you learn Korean if you want to check the basics.
2.Rosetta stone
Let me start with a word of caution here, the word ‘free’ sounds attractive but sometimes the reliability factor happens to below. I must tell you that it cannot replace a full-fledged Korean language learning course and it also doesn’t explain virtually why something is correct. As far as pronunciations are concerned, you have to depend on your avid listening skills. It’s an excellent tool for a beginner, especially if you are a lover of video games, then it can teach basic phrases through the gaming method, and that sounds fun!