Sanskrit language
Sanskrit is very different from other languages, but some particular part of the language makes it easier than any other language. There are many recommended ways to learn this language.

Ways to learn Sanskrit in 5 Minutes Per Day:
Learn your new language in short, five-minute learning methods, and it will be perfect for busy learners and a simple way to make language learning a part of your day.
1. Start with alphabets
Become familiar with the Sanskrit alphabets by committing your 5 minutes each day. The easiest way to learn the Sanskrit alphabet is by comparing it with the English language.
Because Sanskrit and English are very different, where the vowels and consonants work together in English when it comes to Sanskrit, vowels and consonants are given separate places, and there is a science involved in both of them separately.
2. Learn the rules of grammar
Sanskrit Grammar has been a challenge for many school students and individuals. Most of them will try to memorize the grammar without understanding the concepts. Commit your 5 minutes of time the next day by reading few rules of grammar.
It is a need for the new learners to bear in mind that learning the rules of grammar of a particular language would result in being accurate with the language, this can only be achieved with practice, speaking, and gradually writing. Read the concepts of grammar along with chapter-wise and practice exercises.
3. Learn basic conversations
Learn about basic the conversations that are involved in Sanskrit. This involves some, day-to-day conversations and you will progress as the day goes on. Because at the end of the day it is a tool for communication in the language.
Choose which words you want to learn so that you can spend your Sanskrit study time on the material which is most important in learning.
4. Listen to the audio
Have a routine to listen to at least 5 minutes of audio in the Sanskrit language. By hearing lots of Sanskrit audio, you can improve your listening comprehension.
5. Memorize your learning
Allot some time in a day to memorize what you have learned before. Later, go through each word by reading aloud to improve your Sanskrit language. To ensure that the words always remain in your brain, write them down on some bits of paper or a chart and stick them around your house or at your workplace to see and remember.
6. Read Sanskrit Books regularly
Have a regular practice of reading Sanskrit books for at least 5 minutes a day. This will improve your knowledge and give you more insights into the Sanskrit language and be scanned in Sanskrit by the Indian Digital Library.
But without allowing your time to practice the language, you cannot read any word in a Sanskrit book. So, it is better to practice writing as well as reading the books.

Stay motivated with learning; at the end of each Sanskrit learning, you will get confidence to face any Sanskrit ‘examination’ in your life as your on your learning progress. Multibashi helps you to find a native speaker of the language, engage your time by visiting it.