Italy is home to more than 62 million individuals and is ranked 23rd in population size when compared with other countries throughout the world.
Learning Italian means empathizing with a country steeped in the arts, architecture, music, and food. Birthplace of the Roman Empire and major center of the Renaissance, culture on the Italian peninsula has flourished for centuries.
The Italian language is certainly one of the most desirable to learn and the 4th most studied language in the world. If you ask yourself “Why Should I Learn Italian? “We can help you with a list of seven powerful benefits of learning the Italian language.
Things to know
Just +1 reason to travel to Italy
Traveling to Italy whether it’s for vacation or honeymoon is a dream for many. As you learn how to speak Italian, the forefront of your thoughts will be when your next trip to Italy will be. Besides, what better way to truly test your Italian skills and put it to good use than experiencing Italy itself?
People have said that spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) are the best times to travel to Italy. However, no need to wait if your goal is to use Italian in real life.
Gain a competitive advantage at work
Given the demand and worldwide popularity of Italian, there are still only 90 million speakers globally. In other words, you can categorize it as a niche language. However, that also means that by learning to speak it, you’ll stand out as one of the fewer Italian speakers.
Keep in mind that Italy is also a thriving economy, as it’s the 3rd largest in the Eurozone. Global brands that have and are constantly expanding offices there to serve Italian consumers and businesses. When you learn Italian, you’ll be able to take advantage of these abundant opportunities.
Open yourself up to new art, music, entertainment
You’ll be exposed to the creativity that was originally written in Italian. From Mozart composing in Italian to plays like Romeo and Juliet being written in Italian, you’ll gain a new appreciation. For movie buffs, you can appreciate the recent masterpieces of Sorrentino and Benigni, and other amazing artists based in Italy.
Build stronger relationships with your Italian friends
Look through your list of contacts on social media, and surely you’ll have at least a few friends from Italy. Given the melting pot of European nationalities, even if someone doesn’t identify as full Italian, they’ll likely have some Italian in them. As Nelson Mandela famously quotes:
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
There’s no better shortcut to making a great first impression or taking an existing relationship to the next level than communicating with someone in their native language.
Introduce more fashion to your life
OK, so we can’t promise that you’ll be walking on the stage of The Next Top Model after learning Italian. But as you may know, Milan is the fashion capital of the world. Many of the top fashion brands like Versace, Gucci, and Prada are from Italy. If you need a little inspiration or nudge to improve your fashion knowledge, learning Italian can be the gateway.
You’ll Discover A New Side Of Yourself
Many language learners attest to having slightly different personalities in different languages. Distinct intonations, accents and gestures are inextricably linked to language. While the languages of, say, northern Europe, are imbued with a relative stoicism and reserve, the southern European languages are commonly associated with extreme self-expression. Getting used to these cultural differences requires an adjustment to the way one naturally behaves in the social setting. This may sound a little intimidating, but don’t worry! You’ll notice a gradual, organic change as you become more proficient, and you may even find yourself incorporating dramatic gestures into your English too.
Learning Italian is a way to open doors to other languages
Italian is closely related to other ‘Latin-origin’ languages. All the Romance languages have the same rules. They are called so because they take their beginning from Roman Empire and share many features with its language, Vulgar Latin. The five most widely spoken Romance languages are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, and of course, Italian. The beauty of them lies in their similar forms so, choosing Italian as your foreign language means you could gain several abilities to understand more of other languages.
It is hugely beneficial in several career fields in India, Italian-speaking nations, and other parts of the world.
Click this link to know more about the Italian language.