We Indians speak so many languages. These languages are Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, etc. I will talk about one language which has a very close relation with India and this language is Hindi. Hindi is one of the auspicious languages in India. This language plays an important role in telling the values, ethics, and culture of Indian society. Even if we go back to our history, we will find that Ramcharistmanas has been written in the Awadhi language by Goswami Tulsidas.
Now, I would like to ask one common question from everyone which is according to you, what is the most important thing to do when learning Hindi?. Do we need to practice more and more?. Do we need to practice daily?. Do we need to read books daily?. Well, in this blog, i will try to answer these questions:
Important things to know
Basics are the foundation stone of any language. When you know the basics, then it will help you to move to an advanced level of a language. Also, basics help you in forming the sentence construction. Constructing sentences in any language plays an important role. Without basics, a person will not be able to construct any sentence. Similarly, for Hindi language as well, you should know the basics as well.
Can I ask you one question?. Is it possible to learn any language without grammar?. You would say no it is not possible. Yes, you are right. Without grammar, nobody can learn any language. Hence, grammar plays an important role in knowing the language better. At the time of learning the Hindi language, please also learn grammar as well. When you know grammar, then it will help in constructing sentences. Those who are looking to apply for government jobs whether, in central government or state government, they should learn Hindi as well. In some of the departments of government, you need to work in Hindi. Hence, you must know grammar as well.
Wanna see how the conversations are taking place in Hindi without talking to another person?. The answer to your question is Youtube. Youtube as the name suggests, is an online platform that will help you in learning any content, any technological course, or even any language. With the help of Youtube, you can also learn the Hindi language. There are multiple videos available on Youtube which you can refer to learn the Hindi language.
This is one of the exercises which people think that they are unable to do as they consider people will think them mad. But to be very honest this is one of the practice tools which you can use to improve your speaking skills. One suggestion which I want to recommend here is that you can prepare a script of your choice in Hindi language and stand in front of a mirror and speak on it. Also, it helps you to rate your proficiency in Hindi
There are other ways also available which you can use while learning hindi. Multibhashi is an online platform which will answer all your questions. Please have a look into this website for more details: