Urdu and Sanskrit are mutually intelligible as spoken languages and to the extent, they both are sometimes considered to be dialects of a spoken language referred to as Hindustani sometimes. But both are written in different scripts
Here we will learn about both the language which will help you further decide which language you should choose to learn.
The Sanskrit Language
Our history of the rich cultural heritage is based on Sanskrit and these are interpreted from the point of view of the person behind the translation. If you want to learn the depth of these epics and classic literature of our history, you must read the original version which is in Sanskrit.
It contains facts about living and life that were scientifically invented long time after the epics were written. When students of history read the sources in their true form, they can construct ways of making India better.
Many Indian languages are derived from Sanskrit when traveling along with the states of our own country, where it may become difficult to communicate with the locals, which is sometimes extremely necessary when communicating in the public transportations in the Southern region of India. If you learn Sanskrit it makes it easier to learn many other regional languages.
Sanskrit’s learning ability is higher in school-going children and this declines as we grow older. Nowadays kids are capable of learning multiple foreign languages at the same time along with English, and other regional languages.
Sanskrit is said to be the best language for computers as NASA will soon adopt Sanskrit as a computer language. According to NASA, “Sanskrit is the natural language in which a message can be sent by the computer in the least number of words.” informed by scientist Rick Briggs.
When Sanskrit is adopted in computers, then artificial intelligence would benefit hugely, computer geeks also seem to be at the stage of benefiting hugely from learning this ancient language.

The Urdu Language
This classical language began developing around the 12th century with rich literature from the 14th century onward. Urdu is influenced and imported by many other languages such as Arabic, Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, Turkish, and Sanskrit.
Around 40% of words in Urdu are developed from Persian and Arabic. From Sanskrit 43 words are borrowed and used in the current Urdu. There are nearly 106 Urdu words in the Nepali language.
This is written in the Perso-Arabic script where you can automatically learn to read and write with six other languages Arabic, Baluchi, Kashmiri, Pashto, Persian, and Punjabi, and in which you will understand many words from them.
Learning Urdu will improve your career in your work or if you reside in the lands of Northern India, Pakistan, Great Britain, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and also many other places. If you gain this language knowledge it will help you to find jobs and to expand your social network.
Indian sub-continent has considered Urdu as the most underrated vehicular language. For more than 45% of Punjabi, Urdu is the only vehicular language for the peoples who are from different linguistic and ethnic backgrounds. It is also widely used as the official language of the complainant in the police station of North India.
Learning a language, whether it is Sanskrit or Urdu, has its benefits and no disadvantage for sure. If you are interested in learning Sanskrit or Urdu, it should be kept optional and not made mandatory, you do not learn anything from compulsion.
Moreover, you have to learn to stop thinking over the superiority of any language, learn the language which you like.
Enroll in your classes with Multibhashi to learn Urdu or Sanskrit in no time by tapping this link and you will also receive a course completion certificate from Multibhashi.