Have you ever heard of a saying namely, “Work smart, not hard!”
Do you agree with this? Cause I totally do! Why work harder when you can take a slightly easy route?
The result is going to be the same – You will have learnt a language! Your accomplishments will be the same AND the process will be slightly easier!
So, here we have some tips and tricks to let you learn a language easily!
Learn VIP words:
Do you know that a language contains about 5000 words on average and in our daily life, we use only about 300 words. These 300 words are what I call the “VIP” words. You only need them to learn the basic language and make everyday small talk! Fortunately, we live in a digital era, and founding the popular words is a piece of cake.
You can write them down somewhere or make flashcards about them! Anything to make you learn quickly.
The right attitude:
Are you afraid of making mistakes? Do you fear speaking the wrong words at the wrong time? Well, most people usually are. But what you need to understand is a mistake is the first part of learning anything and it is nothing to be ashamed about. You actually need to feel proud because you are taking a step that most people don’t even try to do.
P.S. native speakers don’t even care about your small mistakes as much as you do. In fact, you’ll very much likely notice their adoration!
Look for a mate!
Having a partner who can join in on your joys and sufferings sometimes can make all the difference! Finding a partner is going to help you push yourself and your partner just to try a little bit harder and keep up with the learning process. Also, a friend is going to make it so much easier and a fun activity to do.
One word for you- "COPYCAT"
Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the other language’s vocabulary, spelling, and writing style that we often forget the most important thing: Pronunciation. So, my suggestion to you, become a copy cat! Repeat whatever you hear in the second language. Watch tv shows and movies in the language you are trying to learn. Hell, you can even find a language exchange speaker with whom you can talk to.
Bring out your inner child- literally!
The direct link between age and the ability to learn is tenuous, with some studies dispelling the myth that children are inherently better learners than adults. The key to learning as quickly as a child may be simply to take on certain childlike attitudes: a lack of self-consciousness, a desire to play in the language and a willingness to make mistakes. Plus, it helps to come in with fewer preconceived notions about what a language is and can be.
In the end, I would just like to say that learning a language can be a very fun process, a whole other world will open to you. You’ll learn many things and become very happy. So persist in learning and come out a winner!