What are your views on Online Classes in India?
On March 11th of 2020, The World Health Organisation or WHO declared a world pandemic owing to the corona virus. Following which schools, colleges and universities had to shut down their campus classes and initiate an online method of teaching their subjects. Hence started the era of online classes. It has been one year since the declaration of a world pandemic and the institutions opting for online classes and at this point, we can analyse the impact of this method of teaching.
Let’s start off by pointing out the pros of online classes:
- It has a global reach. So, people all around the world can opt for the same online class.
- It is convenient and saves a lot of time. Since there is no need to actually waste time travelling.
- You now have a variety of options to choose from because previously you had to depend upon the classes and time slots provided to you by the institution itself.
- It saves a lot of money that you’d spend on transportation and other amenities.
- On a different aspect, it is making great use of technology and channelising them into the most effective use for the entire population.
- You also get a lot of alone and quiet time. So, you can focus on yourself and study at your own pace.
Now let’s point out the cons of online classes:
- There is little to no interaction among peers or classmates.
- Since online classes are not under the strict supervision of authority, the degree or certificate earned from online classes may not be authentic.
- The internet can be highly distracting for the students attending the classes and they might lose focus.
- The problem of self-discipline arises with the leisure of choosing the time and venue for these classes.
- Learning from virtual tutoring does not allow us from having hands-on practical experiences.
With all that said, it is clearly not very easy to point out if these, online mode of classes, are truly beneficial or not. These classes have also psychologically and mentally drained students and some even had to get their eye sights checked due to prolonged use of electronics which damages the eyes. At the same time, students have appreciated the time and space they seem to receive through these classes. While it is pretty clear that online classes are definitely not all bad, the point of how beneficial they are to a person is highly subjective in nature. In my opinion, considering the world’s current situation, online classes are definitely much more beneficial and highly secure. We are at a stage where even stepping out of our homes for groceries is a challenge, so considering attending classes is putting yourself and your loved ones in grave danger of contracting the virus. While online classes might put intense pressure on students that sometimes seems too much, because of our current situation it is almost a necessary evil.