What are your opinions on online school as a parent?

What are your opinions on online school as a parent? COVID-19 has caused school closures all over the world, with over 1.2 billion children in 186 countries out of school. As a result, education has changed dramatically, through E-learning, in which teaching is done remotely and on digital platforms. Apart from this, research also shows…

What are your views on Online Classes in India?

What are your views on Online Classes in India? With educational institutes closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has been encouraging online education to achieve academic continuity. Most high-end private and public institutions have made the switch smoothly using online platforms such as Zoom, Google classrooms, Microsoft teams, etc., while many still find…

Why is it so difficult for me to take classes online?

Why is it so difficult for me to take classes online? The unexpected outbreak of Covid-19 shook the entire world. The moment it was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, it sent the global education system spiralling uncontrollably, forcing educators to shift to an online mode of instruction overnight. Many academic institutions that…

Does a child get confused while taking online classes?

Does a child get confused while taking online classes? Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic took over the entire world, students who wish to complete their education have been constricted to a screen through which they are expected to grasp topics in the same manner as they would through a classroom lecture. This constraint has led…