What is literature?

Literature Literature, a body of written works. The name has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by their authors’ intentions and their execution’s perceived aesthetic excellence. Literature may be classified according to various systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter. Definitions of the word literature…

Computers too have languages

Computer languages There are many computer languages, but only a few of them are widely used. They are used for conveying a set of multiple instructions for a digital computer. There are mainly three basic languages: 1. Machine language A computer’s idiosyncratic data storage features and operation need to be managed entirely by a programmer when…

The Future of languages!

Language is a structured system or a principal method of human communication, comprised of words, symbols, speech, and gestures used conventionally. Most of the languages used around the globe have a visual or graphical representation that is encoded into a form writing-a writing system. Well, as of now, around 6500 languages are spoken in the…

What is a language and how is it developed?

What Is Language Exactly? Language is a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols through which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselves. The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release. Parts of Language: Language, be it…