Sanskrit is one of the oldest language known to us. It is also believed to be the most systematic and technical language of all. It is also referred to as the mother of all languages and is the only language that is used in holy functions and ceremonies of the Hindus, as it has always been regarded as the sacred language of the religion. When recited in combination with the sound vibrations, Sanskrit mantras have a specific effect on the mind and the psyche of the individual.
Sanskrit was considered as ‘DEV BHASHA’ or ‘DEVAVANI’, the Language of the Gods by ancient Indians. The script is called DEVNAGARI which means used in the cities of the Gods. The god Brahma believed to have been generated who passed it to the Rishis (sages) living in celestial abodes, who then communicated the same to their earthly disciples from where it spread on earth.
Sanskrit has also been proven to help in speech therapy. Research suggests that learning the language improves brain functioning and students improve academically; they get better marks in subjects like Mathematics and Science which some people find difficult. It is because Sanskrit enhances memory power and concentration.
7 Amazing Apps To Learn Sanskrit Online :
1. Multibhashi:
The Bangalore based educational platforms offer a wide range of language learning opportunities at your convenience where all are where the choice is yours. The platform is exclusively online. You can get a classroom-like atmosphere from here with lively interaction from the language expert and your classmates. The classes are of two types, Group webinar class and one to one class. The duration of the courses is 30 min per class. The minimum number of classes that you can take is 30 classes. It can be increased according to your preference. You can take the group class provided by Multibhashi or, if you prefer learning alone then you can take one class also. The fee structure of both the classes is different. The timings of the classes are also flexible and is up to you to decide. Plus point here in Multibhashi is that you can take a free demo class before deciding where to join.The result will be satisfactory!
The learning website, learn, aims to help students read “real” Sanskrit as quickly as possible. The lessons on the website focus on the commonly used parts of the Sanskrit grammar, such as word formation, the system of compounds, the appropriate ways to use participles, noun stems, etc. This website also uses clear and correct grammar to avoid confusion on the learner’s side.
3.Learn Sanskrit Online
The website was founded by Vidyadhar Bhat, who is a Sanskrit scholar and a teacher who taught Sanskrit for several years in schools and traditional gurukula. Today, Learn Sanskrit Online is managed by a growing team whose goal is to continue developing the website to teach learners using the most convenient ways. Currently, the website continues to release new lessons and improve the platform.
There are free lessons available on the website, as well as paid one-on-one classes via Skype. The lessons are suitable for beginners up to advanced learners. To make the most out of it, first, try the free lessons offered on the platform. Once you’ve finished them all, then it’s time to try the online classes to enhance your knowledge about Sanskrit grammar. Learning Sanskrit Online is worthy of your time and money.
4. Chinmaya International Foundation: Easy Sanskrit Course
The Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF) is the research wing of the Chinmaya Mission. It is the center of excellence for studying and researching as well as dissemination of knowledge in the areas of Indian philosophy, culture, art, science, and business — both modern and traditional.
5. Open Pathshala
Keeping the motto of “your best source to learn Sanskrit,” Open Pathshala is an e-learning platform for learning Sanskrit, Hindi, English, and other regional languages across India. The platform is popular in India for having high quality and online video tutorials, one-on-one Skype classes, and live group sessions. Aside from having language classes and video tutorials, the website also offers courses for learning the Indian culture.
7. The Sanskrit Language – Guided Sanskrit Lessons
This website has a complete summary of each lesson of the book, answers to the exercises, as well as additional notes and tips. The most effective way to study side-by-side is to first read the lesson in the book and then read the lesson on the website.
So here are 7 amazing apps to start your journey of Sanskrit language. Then why are you
Start learning.
Good Luck !!!