Someone has rightly said that learning should never be stopped. This is the only reason that we do not need to stop learning anything as it increases our knowledge and also it would help to know things clearly. Similarly, learning a new language also plays an important role in our life. There are so many languages in the world which we speak. There are languages like French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi, Sanskrit, etc. Today let us talk about one of the languages which is very much popular in the world and it is none other than Chinese. Chinese is being spoken in countries like China, Hongkong, Taiwan, etc. People state multiple reasons for learning this language. Some of them state that they are learning this language so they can get admission to Chinese Universities while some may state that they are learning this language so they can set up or merge their business with the Chinese partners. Different people have different reasons for learning this language.
When you start learning this language, then you will learn the values, ethics, and culture of Chinese people. People often state that foreigners find Chinese grammar hard. Let us try to find an answer to this question in this blog:
Things to know
- Every language has its own grammar. Without knowing the grammar you cannot learn any language. Similarly, it goes with the Chinese language as well. When we compare English with another language like Spanish, then we find it easy. On the other hand, the Chinese language has only a one-word form. I can say that in some sentences Chinese can be a little challenging but it is very simple when you know the grammar rules which will help you a lot.
- Listening is one of the most important tools in learning any language. Without listening, we will not be able to learn any language. I would suggest you watch movies and series in the Chinese language which will help you a lot. When you listen to the dialogues then you can see how the celebrities are delivering dialogues in Chinese. I am including a link to the Chinese serial and movies that will help you a lot in understanding this language:
- Practice makes a person perfect. We always see that people do not practice whatever they are learning in a class. Until and unless you do not practice, you won’t be able to learn the language properly. I would suggest that students need to give at least 1 hour daily to practice this language while working professionals need to practice for 15-20 minutes on a daily basis. You can also accordingly make changes to your practice at your convenience.
- People think that self-talk can improve their grammar. Yes, when your self-talk in Chinese then it brings out your errors which you can rectify with the help of a trainer.
These are some of the reasons due to which foreigners find Chinese grammar hard. Multibhashi is an online learning platform that will teach you this language from the basics.